Other Questions

If there are no access restrictions domestically, firestorage can be used from every country.

We are sorry, but we do not offer phone support.
Please send us email from the menu "Help/Contact".
If the question is about your PC operation, firestorage may not be able to support you.

We are sorry, but we only provide the service on browsers on PCs.

Case 1. Do not you want to receive Download notice emails?
Please uncheck the checkbox so that you do not receive the download notice when you upload a file.
Case 2. Are you not sure why you receive so many Download notice emails?
If a person who received the Download URL tries to download a file by using download tool, numerous access occurs, and the numerous download notices are sent.
It is better to tell them not to use download tools.

We reply to inquiries as soon as possible but sometimes it may take longer than you expected.
Please wait for our reply.
Also it is better to check the spam email box of your email software.
Sometimes our email is considered as spam.